Early Morning at the Couvent

View from the Couvent in the early morning

One of View from the top floor apartment balcony at the Couventmy favourite times at the Couvent is the early morning. I’m sipping tea on the terrace or in the garden and taking in the gorgeous view. The light is perfect at this time of day.

There are fields straight ahead of me and some little stone cottages with pretty gardens over to the right. It’s mid-June and red roses give a splash of colour along a garden fence. One of the cTerracotta roof at the Couventottages has just had its roof retiled and the terracotta looks pristine against the weathered mixtures of its neighbours.

Beyond the fields and houses, tree clad hills like a thick bumpy carpet – in every shade of green to almost black in the shadow – stretch out in an arc all the way to a pale blue skyline.

House martins and sBreakfast in the garden overlooking the Languedocwallows are swooping and diving with what sounds like squeals of glee at being alive on this summer’s day.

Then I look forward to a leisurely breakfast of coffee, croissants or pastries, fruit, yogurt and more in the Couvent’s garden – or preparing our own to take onto the balcony.


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